Reading list
- Balestrini, M. , Rogers, Y. , Hassan, C. , Creus, J. , King, M. , & Marshall, P. (2017). A City in Common. A Framework to Orchestrate Large-scale Citizen Engagement around Urban Issues. (pp. 2282-2294). New York: ACM.
- Disalvo, C. (2022). Design as Democratic Inquiry: Putting Experimental Civics into Practice. MIT Press.
- Harrell, Cyd (2020) A Civic Technologist's Practice Guide. Five Seven Five Books
- Gordon, E. , & Lopez, R. A. . (2019). The Practice of Civic Tech: Tensions in the Adoption and Use of New Technologies in Community Based Organizations. Media and Communication, 7(3), 57-68.
- Raetzsch, C. , Hamm, A. , & Shibuya, Y. . (2023). Mainstreaming civic tech and citizen sensing: a research agenda on co-creation methods, data interfaces, and impact pathways. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11,
- Schrock, A. R. (2019). What is civic tech? Defining a practice of technical pluralism. In The right to the smart city (pp. 125-133). Emerald Publishing Limited.